An analytical method was developed and tested using several mini-sled and Hyge sled tests to calculate the planar trajectory of a Hybrid III dummy head. Aimed at expediting the Hybrid III test analyses, it may provide an opportunity for cost savings through reduced hardware and manpower on film analyses. Transformation from the moving coordinate to the laboratory coordinate is based on the angular positions integrated from the derived angular accelerations. Gravitational correction of the linear accelerometers was found to be insignificant. The computed head trajectories were compared to the ones obtained from the high speed film images. Accuracy of the calculated head trajectory relies heavily on the accuracy of the computed angular acceleration. Strain-gaged accelerometers are not dependable at all times during an impact and an ill-behaved signal for a very short period may create a significant drift in computed displacement due to double integrations. Accuracy of the currently available accelerometers is not high enough for an angular displacement calculation. A new generation of accelerometers with higher accuracy, or an angular velocity sensor may provide more accurate angular displacement for trajectory analyses. The redundancy of the in-line accelerations helps improve the isolation of erroneous outputs and improve accuracy of the procedure.