The propagation of the fundamental, longitudinal acoustic mode in a duct of variable cross-section is considered, and the “Webster” wave equations for the sound pressure and velocity are used to establish some general properties of the exact acoustic fields. The equipartition of kinetic and compression energies is shown (section 2.1) to hold at all stations only for (i) a duct of constant cross-section and (ii) an exponential horn; these are the two cases for which the wave equations for the acoustic velocity and pressure coincide. It is proved (section 2.3) that there are only five duct shapes, forming two dual families, which have constant cut-off frequency(ies): namely, (I) the exponential duct, which is self-dual, and is the only shape with constant (and coincident) cut-offs both for the velocity and pressure; (II) the catenoidal horns, of cross-section S∼cosh 2, sinh 2, which, with their duals (III) the inverse catenoidal ducts S∼sech 2, csch 2, have one constant cut-off frequency, respectively, for the acoustic pressure and velocity. The existence of at least one constant cut-off frequency implies that the corresponding wave equation can be transformed into one with constant coefficients, and thus the acoustic fields calculated exactly in terms of elementary (exponential, circular and hyperbolic) functions; this property also applies to the imaginary transformations of the above shapes, viz., the sinusoidal S∼sin 2 and inverse sinusoidal S∼csc 2 ducts, that have no cut-off frequency, i.e., are acoustically “transparent”. It is shown that elementary exact solutions of the Webster equation exist only (section 3.1) for these seven shapes: namely, the exponential, catenoidal, sinusoidal and inverse ducts; it is implied that for all other duct shapes the exact acoustic fields involve special functions, in infinite or finite terms, e.g., Bessel and Hermite functions respectively for power-law and Gaussian horns. Examples of the method of analysis are given by calculating, in elementary form, the exact acoustic fields in inverse catenoidal ducts, for all cases of (a) propagating waves above, (b) non-oscillating modes below and (c) transition fields at the cut-off frequency. The inverse catenoidal ducts consist of (A) the horn of cross-section S∼sech 2, ressembling the “soliton” of non-linear water wave fame, and (B) the baffle of cross-section S∼csch 2, which also matches two exponentially converging ducts, but has infinite, instead of finite, flare at the origin. The geometrical and acoustic properties of these ducts are illustrated by sets of six plots, in Figure 1(a) for the sech-horn and in Figure 1(b) for the csch-baffle; the exact acoustic fields are described by amplitude and phase decompositions of the sound velocity and pressure, plotted as functions of position along the duct, for four frequencies ranging from the cut-off condition to the ray limit (or W.K.B.J. approximation).
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