The sunflower crop (Helianthus annuus L.) presents great tolerance to heavy metals and in pre-determined doses of gamma (γ) radiation it presents gains in plant increments. This study aimed to evaluate the response to doses of γ radiation and different concentrations of toxic metals in the vegetative development of sunflower. Mirasol sunflower seeds were subjected to different doses of 241Am γ rays and concentrations of Aluminum, Cerium and Copper (mg L-1). Sunflower plants were evaluated only in the vegetative period for germination, aerial length, root length, aerial and root fresh mass, aerial and root dry mass. The doses of γ radiation promoted increases in the variables in the vegetative phase, especially for 5 and 10 minutes of exposure to γ rays. The concentrations of the toxic elements Al and Ce showed significant differences in all increments, however, doses higher than 85 mg L-1 demonstrated losses in length and mass of sunflower plants. For the Cu element, the doses did not have a significant effect, these being non-significant and the cultivar Mirasol resistant. Future studies should be carried out evaluating the reproductive phase and its gains in increasing biomass and production.