In its June 1st issue , The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics (1990) reported on three cases of sudden death 8to 9-year-old children during routine treatment with the tricyclic antidepress ant (TCA) drug desipramine (DMI) (Norpramin, Pertofrane'>, generic) ove r an uncert ain period of time. The first case of sudden death , which has been included the new Norpramin' labeling, occurred an 8-year-old boy, without known cardi ac disease , treated with unknown doses of the drug for 2 years for attent ion deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The second case was that of an 8-ye ar-old boy treat ed for attention deficit disorder with 50 mg/d of DMI for 6 months , and the third one was a 9-year-old boy treated with DMI with unknown doses and for an unknown time. Plasma levels of DMI obtained postarrest from all three children were reportedly in the therapeutic or subtherapeutic range The tragic deaths of these children are presumed to have occurred secondary to cardiac abnormalities . However , the limited information available leaves many unan swe red questions . It is unclear if these patients had a recent dose increase , a preexisting medical or cardi ac abnormality, or whether they were adequately monitored. For example, while there is not much more additional information available, Merrel Dow ' s records indicated that the second child had a muscle biopsy performed 4 yea rs before this child's death that showed nondefined skel etal muscle abnormality . It is also noted that paroxysmal atr ial tachycardia was obse rved durin g the biopsy procedure and that that child had a famil y history of sudden cardiac death. Thus, the causal relationship between DMI and these children ' s deaths is uncle ar , and the impli cations for the use of TCAs the pediatric age group remains ambiguous . TCAs, mainly imipramine, have been used the treatment of several childhood psychiatric disorders over the last 3 decades. With stimulants and ant ipsychotics , they represent the mainstay of pediatric psychopharmacology. In pediatric psychiatry , TCAs have been used the treatment
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