Wind turbines are a major contributor to a clean and independent energy mix in the future and therefore need to have as little downtime as possible. Downtime can be minimised by increasing the robustness of the wind turbine. The drivetrain is one of the major contributors of downtime in wind turbines. One way of increasing the robustness of wind turbine drivetrains is extensive drivetrain testing and loop-back optimization of the design and control. On the drivetrain test bench torque and other wind loads are applied. To ensure that the drivetrain reaction to the loads is the same as of the erected wind turbine the accuracy of the application of the loads needs to be sufficient. Only if the reaction loads of the drivetrain are similar to the rotor loads of the erected wind turbine a robustness increase can be achieved via the loop-back optimization after the tests. This paper therefore quantifies the deviations occurring in torque and rotational speed of the hub between the erected wind turbine and the test bench for a specific wind turbine. To do so the results of a test bench simulation are compared to results of an aerodynamic simulation of the wind turbine. For the investigated wind turbine drivetrain, the deviation in drive torque increases slightly with higher windspeeds. The torque values are maximum 2 % higher at the wind turbine compared to the rated torque. The rotational speed values are represented very well regarding the time series as well as the occurring frequencies. The speed values deviate maximum 0.5 % compared to the rated speed. The deviations are a result of differences in an underestimation of the drivetrain efficiency in the aerodynamic simulation and the inertia of the drivetrain on the test bench and wind turbine. Since the deviations are small the abstraction losses at the test bench regarding torque and speed are acceptable.