The Damang Gold Mine in southwestern Ghana sits on two kinds of mineralization: the Tarkwaian paleoplacer and a hydrothermal type found within the Tarkwaian Group's meta-sedimentary rocks. Geochemical vectors related to the hydrothermal gold mineralization in the area are not well known. Therefore, this research was conducted to identify pathfinders for hydrothermal gold mineralization in the Damang area. A total of fifty (50) rock samples were collected from three diamond drill holes focusing on mineralized zones of the holes. The mineralogy of the host rocks was established using petrographic studies of twelve (12) selected representative drill core samples. Multi-element geochemical analysis of the host rocks (n = 50) involving Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) technique was conducted to quantify the trace element concentrations in the host rocks. The multi-element geochemical data was analyzed using multivariate statistics. The petrographic studies showed the abundance of quartz, biotite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, sericite, and minor amounts of feldspars (plagioclase and orthoclase). Al, Mg, Fe, and Ca dominated the geochemical data. The highest Au concentrations were found in Birimian quartz veins and the intrusive lithologies compared to the other lithologies in the region. Most of the data failed the Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. The deviations from normality were shown graphically by Q-Q plots. The centered log-ratio transformation was used to correct this, and the data tested again for normality. Spearman rank correlation showed a positive correlation between Te, Bi, U, Ba, Ag, and Au. When hierarchical cluster analysis was run, three clusters emerged with Au in the same cluster with Te, Ag, and Bi. Factor analysis served as a confirmatory test with Au in the same factor with Bi, Ag, and Te. Datamine Studio RM was used to create drillhole logs showing the anomalies of the three elements and Au with different lithologies downhole, which showed a similitude in the abnormal occurrences. Therefore, hydrothermal gold mineralization in the Damang area is related to Bi-Te-Ag-Au multi-element association.