The downy mildew, caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis, is an important melon disease in Northeast Brazil. Considering the lack of standard methods for its assessment, a diagrammatic scale was developed with 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 82, and 96% of affected leaf area. The scale was then checked for its accuracy, precision, and reproducibility in estimating downy mildew severity. The diagrammatic scale was validated by eight disease raters; using 50 leaves with different severity levels, previously measured using the software Assess®. Two evaluations were performed on the same set of leaves, but in a different sequence order, by the same raters, within a 15-day interval. The accuracy and precision of each rater was determined by simple linear regression between the actual and the estimated severity. The scale provided good levels of accuracy (means of 87.5%) and excellent levels of precision (means of 94%), with absolute errors concentrated around 10%. Raters showed great repeatability (means of 94%) and reproducibility (>90% in 90.3% of cases) of estimates. Therefore, we could conclude that the diagrammatic scale presented here was suitable for evaluating downy mildew severity in melon.
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