Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) glutenin allelic variation and presence of the 1AL.1RS wheat-rye (Secalecereale L.) translocation play important roles in determining end-use quality. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of high and low molecular weight glutenin alleles and 1AL.1RS on dough mixing properties of 189 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross TAM 107-R7/‘Arlin’ grown in irrigated and rainfed Colorado (USA) environments. The results indicated that (1) higher values (P < 0.05) of some dough mixing properties were observed for Glu-A1b versus Glu-A1a, Glu-B1b versus Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d versus Glu-D1a, and non-1AL.1RS versus 1AL.1RS; (2) no differences in Mixograph properties were found for Glu-A3c versus Glu-A3e, Glu-B3e versus Glu-B3g, or Glu-D3a versus Glu-D3b; (3) although variation at some glutenin loci had little effect on Mixograph properties, pairwise combinations of glutenin loci or a glutenin locus combined with 1AL.1RS affected most Mixograph traits; and (4) in general, the effects of glutenin alleles and 1AL.1RS on dough mixing properties did not differ greatly between the irrigated and the rainfed environment. These results will be useful for assessing potential wheat quality and directing wheat breeding efforts in Colorado and similar environments.