Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST), a complex and infrequent cerebrovascular disorder characterized by the formation of clots within the cerebral venous sinuses, occurs as a result of multiple risk factors and casualties, and its epidemiological picture should be investigated. This descriptive study was conducted retrospectively on patients with a final diagnosis of cerebral vein thrombosis, who were referred to the emergency room of Ghaem Hospital (Mashhad, Iran) between 2009 and 2019. The study included all patients with cerebral vein thrombosis who were older than 18 years. Clinical symptoms and causes were documented and contrasted according to demographics. During the 10 years of this study, 749 cases of cerebral vein thrombosis were observed, with women accounting for the majority (72.8%). The most prevalent symptom was headache (554 cases; 74.0%), followed by seizures (23.1%), blurred vision (16.0%), nausea (7.5%), vomiting (6.9%), double nose (4.9%), and dizziness (3.3%). There was no significant difference in the frequency of symptoms between the two genders (p<0.05). The most commonly identified risk factors were OCP (110 cases; 14.7%), followed by infection (103 cases; 13.8%), malignancies (78 cases; 10.4%), and fasting (15 cases; 2.0%). There was no significant difference in risk factors between the two genders, with the exception that all cases of fasting were in women, and the differences were significant (p=0.015). The most common site of involvement according to Magnetic Resonance Venography (MRV) was the upper sagittal sinus (427 cases; 57.0%). There was no significant difference in terms of the site of the conflict between the two genders (p<0.05). The findings of the present study showed that deep vein thrombosis occurred mainly in women and manifested itself mostly as a headache. Moreover, the upper sagittal sinus was the most common site of involvement.
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