The ADVANTG code was used to analyze dose rates from the proposed Slovenian silo-type low and intermediate level waste (LILW) repository. Detailed calculations of dose rates are challenging as gamma-sources are located in thick concrete containers and the effect of backscattering in the air has to be considered. Compared to analog MCNP simulations maximum relative speed-up of up to 9500 was achieved by using ADVANTG. We have analyzed the influence of different repository configurations on the final annual γ-dose rates. For different measurement positions, which were located from 10 m to 150 m from the outer edge of the repository, γ-dose rates were calculated. The results show that for all configurations of the open repository where the waste from different sources is deposited, except using the waste from Krško NPP, the calculated annual γ-dose rates for all measurement positions were lower than the prescribed limit values for professionals of 20 mSv/year. To ensure that the γ-dose rates are lower than the prescribed limit values even for the case with the waste from Krško NPP an additional analysis was made where the concrete casks, in which the waste is stored, were modelled in more detail and the quantity of additional grout on top of the waste was varied.
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