AbstractThe three dorsal ocelli of worker honeybees have been studied by light and electron microscopy. Each ocellus has a single flattened spheroidal lens and about 800 elongated retinular cells. Retinular cells are paired and form a two‐part plate‐like rhabdom between their distal processes. Each rhabdomere comprises parallel microvilli projecting laterally from the apposed retinular cells. Primary receptor cell axons synapse within the ocellus with ocellar nerve fibers of two different calibers. Each ocellus has eight thick fibers ca 10 m̈m in diameter and several thinner ones less than 3 m̈m in diameter. Fine structural evidence suggests that retinular axons end presynaptically on both types of ocellar nerve fibers. Since all retinular cells apparently synapse repeatedly with the thick fibers this involves a convergence of about 100:1. Thick fibers always terminate postsynaptically within the ocellus while thin fibers terminate presynaptically on other thin fibers, thick fibers or retinular axons. Structural evidence for synaptic polarization indicates that retinular cells and thick fibers are afferent, thin fibers efferent. Thus complex processing of the ocellar visual input can occur before the secondary neurons of the three ocelli converge to form the single short ocellar nerve which runs to the posterior forebrain.