N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR)-dependent short- and long-term types of potentiation (STP and LTP, respectively) are frequently studied in the CA1 area of dorsal hippocampal slices (DHS). Far less is known about the NMDAR dependence of STP and LTP in ventral hippocampal slices (VHS), where both types of potentiation are smaller in magnitude than in the DHS. Here, we first briefly review our knowledge about the NMDAR dependence of STP and LTP and some other forms of synaptic plasticity. We then show in new experiments that the decay of NMDAR-STP in VHS, similar to dorsal hippocampal NMDAR-STP, is not time- but activity-dependent. We also demonstrate that the induction of submaximal levels of NMDAR-STP and NMDAR-LTP in VHS differs from the induction of saturated levels of plasticity in terms of their sensitivity to subunit-preferring NMDAR antagonists. These data suggest that activation of distinct NMDAR subtypes in a population of neurons results in an incremental increase in the induction of different phases of potentiation with changing sensitivity to pharmacological agents. Differences in pharmacological sensitivity, which arise due to differences in the levels of agonist-evoked biological response, might explain the disparity of the results concerning NMDAR subunit involvement in the induction of NMDAR-dependent plasticity.This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'Long-term potentiation: 50 years on'.
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