The testing of human fetus mesencephalic tissue with intrastriatal transplantation clinically that are rich in dopamine producing neurons. Parkinson’s disease patient showed cell transplantation works and in many cases produces impervious improvements. Due to the poor availability of tissues, this method could only be administered in fewer number of patients, and acclimatization was very difficult, leads to immense deflection in operative outcomes. For transplantation, undifferentiasted (stem) cells and special (reprogrammed) cells could be availed potentially to emolument dopamine producing neurons.From human embryonic stem cells dopamine producing neurons that will be of the appropriate substantia nigra phenotype can be emolumented in larger numbers and soon will be ready for application in patients. Dopamine producing neurons obtained from pluripotent stem cells of human are supposed to be used for clinical transplantation. In a controlled clinical studies, the present data justifies leading in away with these dopamine producing neurons, that should be tested by choosing desirable patients, anticipation of cells and methods of transplantation.