In many engineering applications it is required to compute the dominant subspace of a matrix A of dimension m × n , with m ⪢ n . Often the matrix A is produced incrementally, so all the columns are not available simultaneously. This problem arises, e.g., in image processing, where each column of the matrix A represents an image of a given sequence leading to a singular value decomposition-based compression [S. Chandrasekaran, B.S. Manjunath, Y.F. Wang, J. Winkeler, H. Zhang, An eigenspace update algorithm for image analysis, Graphical Models and Image Process. 59 (5) (1997) 321–332]. Furthermore, the so-called proper orthogonal decomposition approximation uses the left dominant subspace of a matrix A where a column consists of a time instance of the solution of an evolution equation, e.g., the flow field from a fluid dynamics simulation. Since these flow fields tend to be very large, only a small number can be stored efficiently during the simulation, and therefore an incremental approach is useful [P. Van Dooren, Gramian based model reduction of large-scale dynamical systems, in: Numerical Analysis 1999, Chapman & Hall, CRC Press, London, Boca Raton, FL, 2000, pp. 231–247]. In this paper an algorithm for computing an approximation of the left dominant subspace of size k of A ∈ R m × n , with k ⪡ m , n , is proposed requiring at each iteration O ( mk + k 2 ) floating point operations. Moreover, the proposed algorithm exhibits a lot of parallelism that can be exploited for a suitable implementation on a parallel computer.
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