1. The algal vegetation of the Saline River, Michigan, U.S.A. was studied throughout a period of eighteen months in 1951–1953, with exact qualitative and quantitative records maintained throughout a fourteen-month period. Determinations were made at regular intervals of a variety of environmental physico-chemical variables which may be supposed to influence algal growth. 2. The upper course of the Saline River is unpolluted and mildly alkaline, has a high bicarbonate content, usually abundant nutrients, and has an algal vegetation which includes Cladophora glomerata in spring, Diatoma vulgare and Gomphonema olivaceum in winter, and a calcified Phormidium-Schizothrix community which is present throughout the year. 3. The lower course of the river was influenced by industrial wastes and sewage entering the river principally at Saline and Milan. Below the industrial outfall at Saline the water contained chromium, and other toxic ions, and the flora of the upper course had disappeared almost entirely, being replaced by a luxuriant flora of Stigeoclonium tenue and other species. Below the domestic outfall at Saline, the summer riffle vegetation was dominated by the bacterium Sphaerotilus and the diatom Nitzschia palea; at other seasons Stigeoclonium tenue, Tetraspora, and Navicula atomus were present on riffles whereas the pools were dominated by Spirogyra spp. 4. No marked change was observed in the flora of the middle course of the stream between Saline Mills and Milan. Below Milan, Cladophora returned to the stream flora within a single riffle. A massive accession of sewage at Milan polluted the stream again at this riffle, and the stream remained polluted for the remainder of its course. 5. The periodicity of the principal algae is described and is summarized in figures 8–13. 6. The following organisms are markedly resistant to the presence of chromium and other polluting ions; possibly also they profit from the presence of one or more of these pollutants: Stigeoclonium tenue, Tetraspora sp., Closterium acerosum, Nitzschia palea, N. linearis, Navicula atomus, Navicula cuspidata, Euglena sociabilis, E. viridis, E. acus, E. oxyuris, E. stellata.
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