Measuring treatment expectations using the Treatment Expectations in Chronic Pain (TEC) scale has the potential to help clinicians and researchers better understand the role that treatment expectations play within the framework of multimodal pain management settings. The purpose of this study is to determine the cross-cultural adaptation, construct validity and reliability of the TEC Scale in the Turkish language. The study included 191 volunteers aged 22-65 with chronic musculoskeletal diseases. This study composed of a six-stage cross-cultural adaptation process, which included translation, translation synthesis, back-translation, expert committee review, pre-testing and documentation submission. The Positivity Scale and Illness Cognition Questionnaire were used to measure convergent validity while the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale was used to test divergent validity. The psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the TEC scale was examined by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Scale's internal consistency was examined using Cronbach's alpha. Pearson correlation coefficients were utilized to evaluate both convergent and divergent validity. The significance level was set at p < .05. The results of the CFA showed that factor structure of predicted subscale fitted well the data (x2/df = 3,07;CFI = 0,91,IFI = 0,91 TLI = 0,87,RMSEA = 0,10). The results of the CFA indicated that factor structure of ideal subscale fitted well with the data (x2/df = 2,38;CFI = 0,92,IFI = 0,93,TLI = 0,90,RMSEA = 0,08). Both subscales of the TEC were strongly correlated. The predicted subscale had moderate relationships to depression, anxiety, and positivity (r=-0.37 to r = 0.55) but poor correlations with measures of acceptance, perceived benefits and helplessness (r=-0.24 to 0.35). The ideal subscale had moderate correlations with measures of positivity (r = 0.36) and depression (r=-0.38) but poor correlations with measures of acceptance, perceived benefits helplessness and anxiety (r = 0.14). The Turkish version of the TEC scale is acceptable, valid, and reliable for use in Turkish patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain in physiotherapy outpatient practice.
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