We have previously studied the sensitivity of laser microdissection (LMD) techniques and have tested our capability to yield a complete genotype from 30 haploid sperm cells. Partial but significant genotype information have been obtained also from 5 to 10 haploid sperm cells. This experimental procedure has important applications both in pathological and in forensic fields. A real casework of a teenager sexually assaulted in a car in a small town in Sicily has induced us to evaluate the possibility to transfer the biological residuals present on a cut off from the car seat to a laser microdissection-prepared microscope slide. Biological traces have been at first examined with Crimescope CS-16 in order to evaluate the kind of traces we were to process; to avoid the loss of the forensic traces, we have reproduced the same conditions in several experimental procedures. We have settled several samples distinct for the amount of biological mixed traces, age of the traces and their exposure to different atmospheric agents. DNA typing was performed both with Identifiler STR loci kit and with another forensic kit based on shorter STR amplicons (MiniSTR). Laser microdissection techniques, coupled to high-sensitivity DNA typing methods as short STRs, allow forensic operators to isolate the different cell residuals whenever in front of mixed traces.
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