peated Low-Level X Radiation in Hamster Cheek Pouch Carcinogenesis: Dependence on the Relative Timing of DMBA and Radiation Treatments. Radiat. Res. 90, 155-164 (1982). Low-level X radiation was shown to enhance Syrian hamster cheek pouch carcinogenesis by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) when radiation was administered concurrently with and following DMBA applications. We studied the effects of altering the timing of radiation and DMBA applications on this enhancement. DMBA in mineral oil was applied twice weekly for 10 weeks and 20 R head and neck X radiation once weekly for 17 weeks. In duplicate studies, animals received radiation, DMBA, or DMBA plus X radiation. In the DMBA plus X-ray group, there were 9 weeks of preirradiation and 7 weeks of concurrent treatments. Radiation alone did not result in any histologically detectable changes. In one study, preirradiation may have reduced the carcinogenic activity of DMBA, while in the second study there were no significant differences in tumor incidences between X radiation plus DMBA and DMBA only groups. Thus, while repeated 20-R X-ray exposures during and following DMBA applications enhance DMBA carcinogenesis, identical X-ray exposures prior to and during DMBA applications appear either to slightly inhibit or to have no appreciable effect on DMBA carcinogenesis.