The 3B20D Processor has been developed to meet the need for very reliable, real-time control of a variety of Bell System applications. To achieve its high-reliability goals, most of the major subsystems within the processor are duplicated, including the Central Processing Unit (CPU). The CPU uses a 32-bit architecture throughout, including the memory and input/output buses. Extensive self-checking logic is employed. The 3B20D CPU is microprogrammed to select dynamically up to four instruction sets. The microstore uses a 64-bit word with up to 16K words of high-speed bipolar PROM or RAM available. This rich emulation capability makes the 3B20D Processor ideal for emulating existing instruction sets and porting existing software. Peripheral units are connected to the CPU via the Direct Memory Access unit (DMA). The DMA controllers provide direct memory transfers between the main store and peripheral devices, reducing the load placed on the central control to process input/output requests.
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