Abstract An odd generalized metric $$E_{-}$$ E - on a Lie group G of dimension n is a left-invariant generalized metric on a Courant algebroid $$E_{H, F}$$ E H , F of type $$B_{n}$$ B n over G with left-invariant twisting forms $$H\in \Omega ^{3}(G)$$ H ∈ Ω 3 ( G ) and $$F\in \Omega ^{2}(G)$$ F ∈ Ω 2 ( G ) . Given an odd generalized metric $$E_{-}$$ E - on G we determine the affine space of left-invariant Levi-Civita generalized connections of $$E_{-}$$ E - . Given in addition a left-invariant divergence operator $$\delta $$ δ we show that there is a left-invariant Levi-Civita generalized connection of $$E_{-}$$ E - with divergence $$\delta $$ δ and we compute the corresponding Ricci tensor $$\textrm{Ric}^{\delta }$$ Ric δ of the pair $$(E_{-}, \delta )$$ ( E - , δ ) . The odd generalized metric $$E_{-}$$ E - is called odd generalized Einstein with divergence $$\delta $$ δ if $$\textrm{Ric}^{\delta }=0$$ Ric δ = 0 . As an application of our theory, we describe all odd generalized Einstein metrics of arbitrary left-invariant divergence on all 3-dimensional unimodular Lie groups.
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