An examination of the experimental protocol reveals that there are two kinds of binary trials involved. If a fish is in the tank at the beginning of a time period, then it can only stay in (SIN) or transition out (TROUT). If the fish is not in the tank at the beginning of a time period, then it can only stay out (SouT) or transition in (TRIN). Both SIN and TRIN are sociable behaviours when other fish are present; both TRIN and TROUT indicate activity. A fish may do only one kind of trial for an entire string, or it may alternate the two types. The behaviour data for each fish consists of 15 strings, corresponding to the three different time periods and five days (the first five of the seven days described by Ruzzante and Doyle). The approach used here is to relate the probabilities of the basic events TRIN and SIN, or of related compound events, to the main variables of interest-growth (DL), environment (ENV), and time period (BAD = before, after, during)-taking into account variability due to the different days (DAY) and fish (FISH). To allow for possible autocorrelation among the binary trials in each string, an overdispersion parameter is included in the logistic regression model (McCullagh and Nelder 1989). It is assumed that a series of binary trials, X1,...,XX, made under the same conditions, have constant P(Xj = 1) = n, but variance-covariance matrix it(1 r)C. Then, for example, Y = EXj, the number of TRINS, has mean nnt and variance nt(1 it)(1 + c/n), where c is the sum of the off-diagonal entries in C, and the overdispersion parameter is 02 = (1 + c/n). The overdispersion parameter is estimated using the residual-deviance or goodness-of-fit statistic divided by the number of degrees of freedom, and significance tests are based on the relative change in deviance divided by d2 and compared with the F rather than the X2 distribution [see McCullagh and Nelder (1989, Section 6.3.1), for example]. The fish are nested within envionments and each fish also has a single value for DL, SO that if FISH is treated as a fixed effect, then ENV, FISH, and DL are aliased. In addition, repeated measurements on the same fish at different time periods and on different days could be correlated. In a linear model with normal errors these features could be accommodated using random effects (for FISH and DAY). Software for recently developed analogous procedures for generalized linear models (e.g. Zeger, Liang, and Albert 1988) is not generally available at this time. To circumvent these problems, a preliminary analysis treats FISH and DAY as fixed effects and ignores the aliased factor DL. Subsequent analyses involving DL and ENV are simplified by compressing the data for each fish over nonsignificant factors, and by using only one observation per fish. Models for marginal probabilities of TRINS and SINs are discussed in Section 2. In Section 3, the previous action in the string is explicitly included in models for the conditional probabilities of TRINS and SINs.