Wildfires impact a large and increasing proportion of the Earth’s surface. With documented soil surface temperatures of up to ∼850 °C, wildfires may fundamentally alter the mineralogy and geochemistry of soils and regolith, more conventionally thought to be dominated by low temperature weathering processes. Here we use an experimental approach to test the effect of temperature on the formation of pyrogenic minerals, and on the distribution and mobility of major, trace and rare earth elements following post-fire chemical weathering. We focus on ferruginous nodules, common Fe-oxide cemented components of soils, which transform from non-magnetic to maghemite-bearing, magnetic nodules under wildfire conditions. These transformations provide a valuable record of fire impacts and facilitate the study of thermal processes and element mobility. Our results show heating produces a typical pyrogenic mineral assemblage of hematite, maghemite, metakaolin and transition alumina. At 900 °C the high temperature Fe2O3 polymorph luogufengite forms, which has never been reported in natural fire-affected substrates and therefore places an upper boundary on palaeowildfire temperatures at the soil-fire interface. Chemical leaching, employed to simulate the impacts of post-fire weathering, demonstrates that formation and subsequent breakdown of these pyrogenic minerals results in increased mobility of several elements including Li, Si, Sc, Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, Rb, Cs, La, Pb and U. Further, we propose that incongruent dissolution of pyrogenic metakaolin may be responsible for the formation of fusic material, an aluminous cement commonly found in soils. We conclude by discussing the significance of these results for the release of potentially toxic metals following a fire, identify trace elements that have the greatest potential to be used as palaeowildfire geochemical proxies (decreased alkali metal concentrations, decreased U/Th ratios, and decreased La compared to other rare earth elements), and the potential impact of wildfire on global geochemical cycles.