The parallelisation of implicit time domain solvers is essential for applications requiring large, highly over-sampled meshes that exceed the memory limitations of standalone workstations (1). Prime application examples include large arrays of small antennas (2), and on- chip interconnects for state of the art integrated circuits (IC) (3). The need for highly over sampled meshes in these applications can be illustrated by example. Current on-chip IC interconnect widths can be as low as 22nm or less, yet cover an area > 100(mm) 2 and transmit signals with fundamental frequencies in the range DC-10GHz. Typically, transient efiects involving high frequencies are of the most interest, but even this can still require meshes with ¢x < (‚0=10 6 ), i.e., four to flve orders of magnitude smaller than for typical FDTD meshes (neglecting considerations relating to material properties). It is not practical to use explicit FDTD solvers for such meshes, even in parallel, because the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) stability criteria enforces a commensurate reduction in the time step size for numerical reasons. While implicit FDTD solvers, such as ADI-FDTD, ofier freedom from the CFL stability criteria, it has been presumed that parallel implementations on all but the most specialised architectures (4) would be of little beneflt due to the high communication overhead. However, we have been able to show that this is not the case (5). In this Paper we will present an overview of our work to date on the parallelisation of implicit time domain methods, including parallel ADI-FDTD (1,5) and parallel ADI-BOR-FDTD (6) on both symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) and distributed memory computer clusters (DMCC). We do not parallelise the tri-diagonal matrix solver itself, because each 2D matrix must have more than 4,000 (40,000) elements per direction before this becomes e-cient for SMP (DMCC) ma- chines. This requires 3D domains at are at or beyond current memory limits for state of the art machines. Instead, we employ domain decomposition and solve multiple, smaller, tri-diagonal ma- trix systems in parallel. Carefully organised data exchanges avoid unnecessary double-handling of data during communication, improving the parallel algorithm performance. We will describe our domain decomposition scheme, and show results for small and large domains, comparing par- allel FDTD and parallel ADI-FDTD and parallel BOR-FDTD with parallel ADI-BOR-FDTD. We demonstrate e-cient solutions of large full 3D meshes with 8 billion mesh cells for paral- lel ADI-FDTD. Since machines with SMP and DMCC architectures are widely available, our demonstration of parallel speed up represents an important step forward for the application of implicit time domain solvers for large, highly oversampled meshes with ¢x < 10 i2 ‚. We expect that our parallelisation approach can be adopted for related implicit FDTD methods.