ABSTRACT This paper suggests a technique for dispatchable and non-dispatchable renewable distributed generation (DG) unit deployment under a constant quantity of power supply from the grid. It also accounts for seasonal fluctuations in load demand, solar and wind power generation. To analyse the scenario, the typical load flow approach is changed by inserting PQVδ and zero bus into the system. Three renewable DGs are used based on solar, wind and biomass to meet the load demand. Along with meeting the load demand, DG is operating to enhance the voltage profile and reduce the power loss. The research is conducted on a 33 and 69 bus distribution networks (DNRs) for constant power, constant current, constant impedance, composite and exponential or mixed load types. To reduce the loss even further, the networks are reconfigured in the presence of three different types of DGs. The suggested solution reduces loss by up to 54 % and allows for energy savings of up to 2.5546 × 10 7 kWh and 2.0719 × 10 7 kWh in 33 bus and 69 bus DNRs, respectively. Economic effectiveness is also analysed to indicate the profit earned from the DG installation. The uncertainty of solar and wind energy is also explored in this paper to see how the network responds to such a scenario.
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