For a group G with order 2 automorphism ι, we consider irreducible representations (π, V ) of G such that ιπ ∼= π, where π is the contragredient representation of π. This isomorphism gives rise to a nondegenerate bilinear form on V which is (π, ιπ)-invariant, unique up to scalar, and consequently is either symmetric or skew-symmetric. For such a representation π, we study the question of when this form is symmetric and when it is skew-symmetric. We begin with recalling a method of Prasad [13] in the case that ι is trivial, and G is a finite group of Lie type. We apply a theorem of Klyachko to obtain results for all representations of many of the groups SL(n,Fq), improving the results of Prasad, which were for generic representations. In Section 3, we start by generalizing Lemma 1 to the case of any order 2 automorphism ι in Lemma 2. We are able to apply this to get another proof of a theorem of Gow [5] for the group GL(n,Fq) and ι the transposeinverse automorphism, and in Section 4 we are also able to apply Lemma 2 to distinguished representations and Gelfand pairs. In Section 5 we find a generating set for a finite group G given that we know certain information about the representations of G satisfying ιπ ∼= π. Finally, in Section 6, we turn to the case of a locally compact totally disconnected group. We adapt the methods of Section 2, along with approximation by compact open subgroups, to obtain an equivalent result of Theorem 4 of Gow for GL(n, F ), where F is a nonarchimedean local field.