We present a detailed interpretation of the heavy ion abundance enhancements observed in impulsive —are energetic particles, in terms of the conditions for gyroresonant acceleration by moderately oblique waves in a hot solar coronal plasma. On the basis of a realistic coronal plasma containing its complete set of minor ions, we analyze —rst all parallel wave modes in terms of their dispersion relation, damping timescale, and condition for gyro- resonant acceleration of thermal ions, as a function of temperature. We identify the ii Helium Valley,ˇˇ the region in the frequency-wavenumber plane of strong wave damping by thermal 4He'2 ions, as crucial for explaining the observed abundances: any ions with charge-to-mass ratio in the neighborhood of 0.5 cannot be accelerated preferentially, relative to 4He'2. Then solving the dispersion relation equation for oblique waves in a hot e-p-He plasma, we discuss this general class of waves in terms of polarization and damping timescale. For waves propagating at moderate angles to the magnetic —eld our calculations indicate that the —rst harmonic n 1 ( hB / 90i), gyroresonance is dominant, and that the corresponding He valley narrows down for increasing angle h. Using this analysis, we calculate the limits of the He valley and investigate the preferential gyroresonant acceleration of heavy ions by moderately oblique waves in a solar coronal plasma. Only for ( hB / 90i) nearly perpendicular waves ( hB 90i), are higher order resonances important and regions of wave damping by interaction with thermal particles vanishingly narrow in frequency. We estimate the fraction of ions of each element outside the He valley as a function of temperature and compare the resulting enhanced abundances with the observed enhancements, for the case of a spec- trum of nonquasi-perpendicular waves, as produced by a cascading of the general turbulence. The results allow us to specify the range of possible temperatures for the source plasma of the accelerated particles to between D2.4 and D4.5 ) 106 K, i.e., comparable to active region (AR), but not to —aring gas, temperatures. This points to an acceleration of the ions taking place, either in the AR gas surround- ing the —are itself or within the —aring loop but before it became heated. Constraints are set on the typical time *t over which the ions are accelerated preferentially. We —nd times between D5 ) 10~4 and D3 ) 10~2 s (for our nominal plasma with density and —eld of
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