Upashaya refers to an "Aushadhadijanitasukhanubandhaupashaya" that brings in the comfort, relaxation, and relief of symptoms through Aushadha, Ahara and Vihara. It can be considered a symptomatic treatment, actual treatment, and diagnostic tool. In today's context, utilising Upashaya is crucial for guiding the appropriate treat-ment plan, especially in specific disease-related conditions. Upashaya is classified into two main types: Viparee-ta and Vipareetaarthakari. Among these, Vipareeta Upashaya is the most commonly referenced and practiced; Ubhaya Vipareeta Aushadha is one among the Vipareeta Upashaya, which means Medicines that act as both the cause of the disease and the disease itself. To highlight its role in Upashaya, it is necessary to analyse this con-cept with the intention of practically validating it, for which Vipadika kushta has been taken up for the study. Vipadika kushta is one of the Kshudra Kushta. It is Vata Kaphaja Vyadhi, which is characterised by Sphu-tana(Fissure)either in Pani (palm) or Pada(soles) or both with Teevra Vedana (severe pain). Based on the sources, the incidence rate is 3–4%, but it is one of the major cosmetic issues as well as a hurdle for carrying out routine work. This is the case report of the successful management of Vipadika Kushtha with a single formula-tion, Tila kusumadi Lepa—a 35-year-old male patient who presented with a complaint of Cracks on both feet with severe pain. The patient was given Ayurveda treatment for 15 days. After follow-up, significant improve-ment was observed in signs and symptoms. The present case highlights the potential of a single formulation in managing Vipadika Kushtha.
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