COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN LEXICOGRAPHY: A Bibliography Barbara Ann Kipfer Ager, D.E. et al. Advances in Computer-Aided Literary and Linguistic Research. Birmingham, England: University of Aston P, 1979. AILA (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée). Papers Presented at the AppliedLinguistics Congress, August 1981. Lunden, Sweden: AILA, 1981. [Contains Calzolari, Daventosde, Reichling, Schwendtke, Svantesson.] Aitken, A.J. "Historical Dictionaries and the Computer." In Wisbey (1971), 3-17. [Applauds computer ability to store large quantities of text and produce concordances in the form of dictionary slips and to sort output alphabetically. Discusses computer's only incapacity —to select (except randomly). Suggests use of computer and line-printer as "versatile multiple copying device." Discusses computer sorting: alphabetic, lemmatization, and separation of homographs; OCRs, and costs of computer use.] -----. "The Literary Uses of Computers." Times Literary Supplement. 21 April 1972, p. 456. -----, R.W. Bailey, and N. Hamilton-Smith, eds. Computers andLiterary Studies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1973. [Twenty-seven articles, including three on applications to lexicography.] and Paul Bratley. "An Archive of Older Scottish Texts for Scanning by Computer." English Studies, 48 (1967), 61-62. [Small archive begun in 1964. Contains over one million words of text. How availability of concordances and word-lists substituted for particularly cumbersome tasks in preparing the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (DOST).] Akhmanova, Olga S. Optimization ofNatural Communication Systems. The Hague: Mouton, 1977. Alford, M.H.T. "The Computer and Lexicography." Bulletin of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, Vol. I, No. 3 (1973), 8-9. Alinei, Mario. "Lexical, Grammatical and Statistical Indexing of Italian Texts with the Help of Punched Card Machines at the University of Utrecht." Levende Talen (1963), 166-173. -----. "Lessicografia Italiana con PAusilio di Macchine a Schede Per202 Barbara Ann Kipfer203 forate alFUniversita di Utrecht. Prine Esperienze e Prospettive." In Mater and Stindlova (1968), 227-234. —. La Struttura del Lessico. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1974. Allen, J. "Synthesis of Speech from Unrestricted Text." Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. LXIV, No. 4 (1976), 433-442. Allen, Sture. "Vocabulary Data Processing." In The Nordic Languages and Modern Linguistics, Ed. H. Benediktsson. Reykjavik: Visindafelag Islendinga, 1970. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. New College Edition. William Morris, ed. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1969. The American Heritage Dictionary ofthe English Language. Second College Edition. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1982. Amos, A.C. "Dictionary ofOld English Needs for and Editing System." Mimeo (1978). [Description of needs of a computer editing system.] Amsler, Robert A. "The Structure of the Merriam-Webster Pocket Dictionary ." Diss. University of Texas 1980. (Also CS Technical Report TR- 164.) [Exploration and discussion of the structure of a machine-readable dictionary and the use of that information in computational linguistics, etc. Determined that useful semantic information could be derived from dictionary definitions and a complete taxonomy of the words was undertaken. Discussion of automating the analysis procedures for automatic parsing and disambiguation of dictionary entries.] -----. "A Taxonomy for English Nouns and Verbs." In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. (1981), 133-138. [Analysis of definition texts of a machine-readable pocket dictionary to determine the disambiguated word sense. Studies reveal information about the nature of the dictionary's organization of the language, the concept of semantic primitives and other aspects of lexical semantics.] -----. "Computational Lexicology: a Research Program." AFIPS, Proceedings of the National Computer Conference, Vol. 51 (1982), 657-663. [Outlines some of the applications that a knowledge of computational lexicology will facilitate. Discussion of the analysis of dictionaries through computers to study their machine-readable text and study of the computational linguistic content and organization of lexicons for 204Computer Applications in Lexicography use by natural-language processing programs.] "Experimental Research on Knowledge Representations for Lexical Disambiguation of Full-Text Sources." NSFInformation Sciences, IST-82-08578 (1982). [Disambiguation procedures based on semantic models of the words that are derived from machine-readable databases, such as machinereadable dictionaries, and based on actual occurrences in sampled fulltext sources.] ----- and John S. White. "Development of a Computational Methodology for Deriving Natural Language Semantic Structures via Analysis of Machine-Readable Dictionaries." Final Report on NSF Project, MCS77-01315, 1979. [Development of a computational technique for extracting semantic information from a dictionary...
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