In this paper we carry out a direct comparison between transport and superconductingproperties—namely resistivity, magnetoresistivity, Hall effect, Seebeck effect,thermal conductivity, upper critical field—of two different families of Fe-basedsuperconductors, which can be viewed in many respects as end members:SmFeAsO1 − xFx with the largestTc and the largestanisotropy and Fe1 + yTe1 − xSex, with the largest Hc2, the lowest Tc and the lowest anisotropy. In the case of theSmFeAsO1 − xFx series, we find that a single-band description allows us to extract an approximate estimation ofband parameters such as carrier density and mobility from experimental data, although thebehaviour of the Seebeck effect as a function of doping demonstrates that a multibanddescription would be more appropriate. On the contrary, experimental data for theFe1 + y(Te1 − x, Sex) series exhibit a strongly compensated behaviour, which can be described only within amultiband model.In the Fe1 + y(Te1 − x, Sex) series, the role of the excess Fe, tuned by Se stoichiometry, is found to be twofold: on one handit dopes electrons in the system and on the other hand it introduces localized magneticmoments, responsible for Kondo like scattering and likely pairbreaking of Cooper pairs. Hence,Fe excess also plays a crucial role in determining superconducting properties such as theTc and the uppercritical field Hc2. The huge Hc2 values of the Fe1 + yTe1 − xSex samples are described by a dirty limit law, opposed to the clean limit behaviour of theSmFeAsO1 − xFx samples. Hence, magnetic scattering by excess Fe seems to drive the system inthe dirty regime, but its detrimental pairbreaking role seems not to be as severeas predicted by theory. This issue has yet to be clarified, addressing the morefundamental issue of the interplay between magnetism and superconductivity.