In the thirties of the last century, I.M. Vinogradov proved that the inequality ||pα||≤p−1/5+ε has infinitely prime solutions p, where ||.|| denotes the distance to a nearest integer. This result has subsequently been improved by many authors. In particular, Vaughan (1978) replaced the exponent 1/5 by 1/4 using his celebrated identity for the von Mangoldt function and a refinement of Fourier analytic arguments. The current record is due to Matomäki (2009) who showed the infinitude of prime solutions of the inequality ||pα||≤p−1/3+ε. This exponent 1/3 is considered the limit of the current technology. Recently, in [3], the authors established an analogue of Matomäki's result on imaginary quadratic extensions of the function field k=Fq(T). In this paper, we consider the case of real quadratic extensions of k of class number 1, for which we prove a function field analogue of Vaughan's above-mentioned result (exponent θ=1/4). Our method uses versions of Vaughan's identity and the Dirichlet approximation theorem for function fields. The latter was established by Arijit Ganguly in the appendix to our previous paper [3] on the imaginary quadratic case. We also simplify arguments in the paper [1] on the same problem for real quadratic number fields by D. Mazumder and the first-named author.
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