The Navier–Stokes system ut+(u·∇)u=Δu+∇P+f(x,t),∇·u=0,is considered along with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions in a smoothly bounded planar domain Ω. It is firstly, inter alia, observed that if T>00$$\\end{document}]]> and ∫0T{∫Ω|f(x,t)|·ln12(|f(x,t)|+1)dx}2dt<∞,then for all divergence-free u0∈L2(Ω;R2), a corresponding initial-boundary value problem admits a weak solution u with u|t=0=u0. For any positive and nondecreasing L∈C0([0,∞)) such that L(ξ)ln12ξ→0asξ→∞,this is complemented by a statement on nonexistence of such a solution in the presence of smooth initial data and a suitably constructed f:Ω×(0,T)→R2 fulfilling ∫0T{∫Ω|f(x,t)|·L(|f(x,t)|)dx}2dt<∞.This resolves a fine structure in the borderline case p=1 and q=2 appearing in results on existence of weak solutions for sources in Lq((0,T);Lp(Ω;R2)) when p∈(1,∞] and q∈[1,∞] satisfy 1p+1q≤32, and on nonexistence if here p∈[1,∞) and q∈[1,∞) are such that 1p+1q>32\\frac{3}{2}$$\\end{document}]]>.
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