We consider magnetic Schrodinger operators $$H(\lambda \vec a) = ( - i\nabla - \lambda \vec a(x))^2$$ inL 2(R n ), where $$\vec a \in C^1 (R^n ;R^n )$$ and λeR. LettingM={x;B(x)=0}, whereB is the magnetic field associated with $$\vec a$$ , and $$M_{\vec a} = \{ x;\vec a(x) = 0\}$$ , we prove that $$H(\lambda \vec a)$$ converges to the (Dirichlet) Laplacian on the closed setM in the strong resolvent sense, as λ→∞,provided the set $$M\backslash M_{\vec a}$$ has measure zero. In various situations, which include the case of periodic fields, we even obtain norm resolvent convergence (again under the condition that $$M\backslash M_{\vec a}$$ has measure zero). As a consequence, if we are given a periodic fieldB where the regions withB=0 have non-empty interior and are enclosed by the region withB≠0, magnetic wells will be created when λ is large, opening up gaps in the spectrum of $$H(\lambda \vec a)$$ . We finally address the question of absolute continuity of $$\vec a$$ for periodic $$H(\vec a)$$ .