Wideband signal synthesis is a technique designed to achieve large bandwidth detection capabilities by utilizing multiple relatively narrow bandwidth signals. Traditional single-antenna, time-diversity wideband synthesis method is inefficient, which has led to using Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) architectures to introduce spatial diversity. However, this method introduces challenges such as frequency-phase inconsistencies in the self-mixing signals from different array elements due to differences in wave travel distances. In previous research, we studied the calibration of frequency and phase for synthesized sub-signals using DOA parameters, which required additional high-precision direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms. In contrast, this paper proposes a novel spatial-diversity wideband synthesis method that utilizes distance parameter calibration for joint DOA and distance estimation (JDDE). A key advantage of this method is the relative simplicity of obtaining distance parameters. To address the issue where the accuracy of distance parameters does not meet the requirements for synthesis, we proposed a grid search synthesis method in this paper. Furthermore, we introduced a search synthesis based on optimization algorithms to reduce computational load and enhance the synthesis performance. Theoretical analysis and simulations confirm the high accuracy of our JDDE method. Under conditions of high signal-to-noise ratios, our method significantly reduces the DOA's root mean square error—approximately halving it compared to the multiple signal classification algorithm within the same wideband self-mixing framework. Additionally, both distance resolution and range accuracy exceed those achieved with pre-synthesis methods.
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