[Do schools and organizations serving blind people become too casual at times in the execution of their programs? Do they, under pressure of harrying demands on the time of administrators and staff, become production-minded at the expense of individual attention to the practical and direct solving of the individual needs? Is it somebody else's function to solve what is apparently lacking in guidance preparation of the young man whose letter appears below, for life after school? Is everybody's responsibility fully discharged at a point where he is left to find out for himself by chance and by a gift of an inquiring mind what further aids, what more advanced opportunities are available to him? Is it ethical, is it productive of improved professional standards, is it a service to the blind client, to disparage the work of another organization engaged in his behalf? Do you know how frequently letters come from blind individuals whose underlying message, conveyed in direct passages or “between the lines” is a conscious or subconscious groping for help? This one was addressed to Charles G. Ritter. Consultant, Aids and Appliances. American Foundation for the Blind. Names and passages indicating identity of the writer are deleted.—Editor]