This paper investigates the application of a neural network-based model reference adaptive intelligent controller for controlling the nonlinear systems. The idea is to control the plant by minimizing the tracking error between the desired reference model and the nonlinear system using conventional model reference adaptive con-troller by estimating the adaptation law using a multilayer backpropagation neural network. In the conventional model reference adaptive controller block, the controller is designed to realize the plant output converges to reference model output based on the plant, which is linear. This controller is effective for controlling the linear plant with unknown parameters. However, controlling of a nonlinear system using MRAC in real-time is difficult. The Neural Network is used to compensate the nonlinearity and disturbance of the nonlinear pendulum that is not taken into consideration in the conventional MRAC therefore, the proposed paper can significantly improve the system behaviour and force the system to behave the reference model and reduce the error between the model and the plant output. Adaptive law using Lyapunov stability criteria for updating the controller parameters online has been formulated. The behaviour of the proposed control scheme is verified by developing the simulation results for a simple pendulum. It is shown that the proposed neural network-based Direct MRAC has small rising time, steady-state error and settling time for a different disturbance than Conventional Direct MRAC adaptive control.
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