Of the bacteriostats tested, that comprising boric acid, glycerol, potassium sorbate and nystatin was the most suitable in preventing the multiplication of bacteria, yeasts and moulds in milk whilst causing least change in the Direct Epifluorescent Filter Technique (DEFT) count of bacteria and somatic cells. The DEFT and plate count of bacteria and the DEFT count of somatic cells were reduced after preservation and storage. The relationships between the plate count of fresh milk samples and the DEFT count and plate count of the same samples after preservation and storage for 3 d at room temperature (20–22°C) had correlation coefficients (r) of 0.80 and 0.85, respectively. The relationship between the Coulter count of somatic cells in fresh milk and the DEFT count of somatic cells in stored preserved milk had a correlation coefficient of 0.90. The addition of the bacteriostatic mixture to milk affected the determination of protein by the Milkoscan and lactose by the Infra Red Milk Analyser. It did not affect the estimation of the other milk components (fat, protein or lactose) by either instrument.
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