Modern systems of radio engineering systems are very widely used in radar and radio communications. An important component of the work of radio systems is the creation of diagnostic equipment with high resolution, noise immunity, improved security and reliability, which become more accessible with the advent of digital computer frequency synthesizers. Digital computer synthesizers using the direct digital signal synthesis method are the main nodes of modern diagnostic equipment for radar and radio communication systems. The article considers a number of advantages of digital computing synthesizers, which include a wide range of synthesized frequencies, an extremely small step of the frequency grid, extremely fast frequency tuning speed, phase continuity during frequency tuning, low phase noise, a simple algorithm for generating complex signals, the possibility of independent amplitude control, phase and frequency of the synthesized signal. The principles of construction and structural and circuitry solutions of digital computational synthesizers based on the method of direct digital synthesis of frequencies and signals are given. The principle of constructing structures of digital multiphase signal synthesizers is proposed, in which the initial phases of the synthesized signals can be set in software. Structural diagrams of digital computational synthesizers based on digital code storage devices and with an M-shaped law of frequency variation which allow synthesizing signals with amplitude, frequency and phase modulation in the frequency range from 0.001 to 400 MHz are presented.
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