172 species of the found 36 Diptera families (Anthomyiidae (8 species), Anthomyzidae (2), Asteiidae (1), Bibionidae (1), Bombyliidae (2), Calliphoridae (10), Cecidomyiidae (1), Chamaemyiidae (4), Chloropidae (5), Clusiidae (2), Conopidae (2), Dolichopodidae (4), Empididae (6), Ephydridae (2), Fanniidae (2), Heleomyzidae (5), Hybotidae (6), Lauxaniidae (1), Muscidae (28), Pallopteridae (1), Phaeomyiidae (1), Phoridae (3), Piophilidae (1), Pipunculidae (2), Platypezidae (1), Pyrgotidae (1), Rhinophoridae (1), Sarcophagidae (1), Scathophagidae (1), Sciomyzidae (1), Sphaeroceridae (8), Stratiomyidae (1), Syrphidae (15), Tachinidae (40), Tephritidae (1), Therevidae (1)), are new to the Lithuanian fauna. Label data of each species, information on sampling localities and specimens deposition, are provided in the paper.
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