The first two authors showed in~\cite{AM1} how the Conley-Zehnder index of any contractible periodic Reeb orbit of a non-degenerate toric contact form on a good toric contact manifold with zero first Chern class, i.e. a Gorenstein toric contact manifold, can be explicitly computed using moment map data. In this paper we show that the same explicit method can be used to compute Conley-Zehnder indices of non-contractible periodic Reeb orbits. Under appropriate conditions, the (finite) number of such orbits in a given free homotopy class and with a given index is a contact invariant of the underlying contact manifold. We compute these invariants for two sets of examples that satisfy these conditions: $5$-dimensional contact manifolds that arise as unit cosphere bundles of $3$-dimensional lens spaces, and $2n+1$-dimensonal Gorenstein contact lens spaces. As illustrative contact topology applications, we show that diffeomorphic lens spaces might not be contactomorphic and that there are homotopy classes of diffeomorphisms of some lens spaces that do not contain any contactomorphism.
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