Abstract Turbulent flows are chaotic and multi-scale dynamical systems, which have large numbers of degrees of freedom. Turbulent flows, however, can be modeled with a smaller number of degrees of freedom when using an appropriate coordinate system, which is the goal of dimensionality reduction via nonlinear autoencoders. Autoencoders are expressive tools, but they are difficult to interpret. This article aims to propose a method to aid the interpretability of autoencoders. First, we introduce the decoder decomposition, a post-processing method to connect the latent variables to the coherent structures of flows. Second, we apply the decoder decomposition to analyze the latent space of synthetic data of a two-dimensional unsteady wake past a cylinder. We find that the dimension of latent space has a significant impact on the interpretability of autoencoders. We identify the physical and spurious latent variables. Third, we apply the decoder decomposition to the latent space of wind-tunnel experimental data of a three-dimensional turbulent wake past a bluff body. We show that the reconstruction error is a function of both the latent space dimension and the decoder size, which are correlated. Finally, we apply the decoder decomposition to rank and select latent variables based on the coherent structures that they represent. This is useful to filter unwanted or spurious latent variables or to pinpoint specific coherent structures of interest. The ability to rank and select latent variables will help users design and interpret nonlinear autoencoders.
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