Animal personality differences may have evolved as alternative strategies for negotiating multiple stressor landscapes. Indeed, ecologists are increasingly recognizing that interactions among multiple stressors can transform selective landscapes and behavioural and physiological responses to stress regimes. Yet, evaluating this hypothesis poses challenges, as most studies involving relationships between personality variation and the environment consider single stressors. Here, we review the literature to explore the theory and evidence that multiple stressor environments may mediate personality variation. We consider effects on evolution of personality variation, as influenced by life-history, energetic and behavioural trade-offs, and effects on phenotypic expression of personality traits. We then explore how personality variation may modulate behavioural and physiological responses to multiple stressors, and how differential responses may be affected by personality-dependent movement ecology and cognitive strategies. Among-individual differences in responses to multiple stressors are critical to elucidate, as multi-stress interactions may transform animal behavioural and physiological responses relative to those predicted under single stressor scenarios, and because among-individual variation comprises the basis for evolutionary shifts in stress responsiveness and population resiliency to global environmental change.