Time-local fractional approaches for nonlinear partial differential equations in fractal dimensions are essential for capturing the complex, irregular behaviors found in fractal systems. In this paper, a new modification of the local fractional Laplace variational iteration method (MLFLVIM) for obtaining analytical approximate solutions to the fractional gas dynamics equation, fractional Stefan equation, and fractional Newell-Whitehead-Segel equation within the context of fractal time space is presented. The proposed method (MLFLVIM) elegantly combines the local fractional Laplace transform (LFLT) with modified variational iteration method. Specifically, we first apply the (LFLT) to the given local fractional PDEs, yielding a transformed system of equations. We then apply modified variational iteration to this system. Finally, we use the inverse of (LFLT) to obtain the desired solution. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, we implement it on three numerical physical problems. The results show that the (MLFLVIM) can successfully handle these nonlinear LFPDEs and provide accurate analytical approximation solutions.
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