A theory using ambipolar diffusion equations is given for evaluating the generalized current density through the n +−p and p−p + junctions under illuminated conditions. The open-circuit voltages at the two junctions were obtained by imposing the condition of zero current flow through each of the junctions. The Dember potential which arises out of the non-uniform carrier concentrations in the base region was evaluated and was included in the total open-circuit voltage of the cell. The above voltages were determined for different solar cell thicknesses and different levels of illumination and were compared with the results obtained by earlier workers. A decrease in the thickness of the cell led to an increase in the junction voltages, as is normally expected. Saturation of the above voltages was seen at very high levels of illumination, with carrier generation rates near 10 24 cm −3 s −1. The effect of band gap narrowing on these voltages was incorporated by using the expressions given by Lanyon and Tuft for ΔE g in terms of the carrier concentrations. At very high levels of illumination the carrier concentration rapidly increased and led to a large amount of band gap narrowing; this resulted in a decrease in the open-circuit voltage with an increase in illumination level.