In the present paper, an attempt has been made to examine Potato cultivation in different categories of farmers in Kannauj district of Uttar Pradesh. Primary data was collect through personal interview by pre-structured and pre-tested schedule; the data was collect for the agricultural year 2022-23. A sample size of 100 farmers, marginal (61) Small (29) Medium (10) were interviewed form 5 village of Kannauj block in Kannauj district select the farmers by using the proportionate allocation method, with the data analysis, the result found that average holding size 0.84, 1.84 and 3.91 ha. in respect of marginal small and medium farm, respectively. In the case of potato, returns to scale of marginal, small and medium size group of farms were 0.8989, 0.8525 and 0.8280, respectively. Returns to scale in all three categories of the farms were found less than unity. It indicates the production of potato is characterized by decreasing returns to scale on each farm situation. Another factor of production i.e. manure and fertilizer was found significantly associated with dependent variable at 1% level probability in all farm situation. The problem related with hired human labour and technical knowledge was notice at I and II rank by the sample farmers (i.e. Unavailability of machines and tractor and Lack of improved varieties).
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