To reduce the risk of accumulation of heavy metals in the meat of fattened young cattle successfully used adsorbents that bind toxins and removed from the digestive tract. The detoxification effect of adsorbents increases with the skillful selection of enzyme preparations due to the synergy of action. The aim of the research is to study the effect of toxfin adsorbent and the enzyme preparation celloviridin G20x in the diets with high content of heavy metals on the morphological and biochemical composition of the blood of fattened bulls. According to the principle of pairs-analogues (taking into account the origin, sex, age, live weight) were formed 4 groups of 10 heads each. The research material is processed statistically using the software package «Microsoft Excel». In the composition of the winter diet of animals of all groups there was an excess of maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) in zinc level by 67.3-67.5 %, lead -by 63.4-64.6 % and cadmium - by 62.9-63.1 %, in the summer diet - by 66.4-66.6 %, 61.4-61.6 % and 60.6-60.8 %. This article presents experimental material showing that to optimize the morphological and biochemical composition of blood and increase the detoxification effect in the body of bulls on fattening should be in the diet with high levels of heavy metals together to introduce IEC celloviridin G20h at a dose of 70 g/t feed and adsorbent toxfin at a dose of 1 kg/t feed. At the same time, animals of the 3rd experimental group showed improvement of morphological and biochemical composition of blood and optimization of protective properties of their organism. The highest detoxification effect was obtained by co-feeding the tested drugs, so that in the blood of bulls of the 3 experimental group there was a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the concentration of zinc by 2.23 times, lead by 2.43 and cadmium by 3.00 times. At the same time, in no case in animals of the 3 experimental group in the blood there was no excess of MPC in terms of zinc, lead and cadmium.