WE have received from the Marmite Food Extract Co., Ltd., London, E.C.3, a booklet describing the medicinal and dietetic value of ‘Marmite’. This is an extract of yeast, rich in vitamins B1 and B2. Vitamin B helps maintain the appetite and proper function of the digestive tract, and also aids growth, reproduction, and lactation. The reserves in the body are very small, so that a regular daily intake is required. Recent work has shown that ‘Marmite’ is of value in the treatment of the pernicious anæmia of pregnancy, in the anæmia of sprue and cœliac disease and possibly also in true Addisonian pernicious anæmia: all these anaemias belong to the megalocytic group. Strauss and Castle believe that normal hæmatopoiesis depends upon the interaction of two factors, an intrinsic one present in normal gastric juice, and an extrinsic one occurring in certain food stuffs, which is abundant in ‘Marmite’ and may be identical with vitamin B2. Up to 4 ounces of ‘Marmite’ may be taken daily by an adult.