In this study, the morphology of two species of diatoms from the Mường Hoa River, Vietnam, was investigated using LM and SEM. The first species was identified as Navicula similis var. strigosa. The second species has been unknown to science until today. As a result, we concluded that in both species areolae in striae are occluded by tectula, a type of pore occlusions, unique for Witkowskia, a recently erected genus of cymbelloid diatoms. Based on this feature, we propose Witkowskia strigosa comb. et stat. nov. in this paper and describe Witkowskia famintsinii sp. nov. below. The species are morphologically compared with other similar representatives of Witkowskia genus. In addition, we suggest that Witkowskia strigosa comb. et stat. nov. and Naviculadicta nanogomphonema, described from Ecuador, should be treated as synonyms. Thus, the taxonomic problem of the genus Naviculadicta is discussed.