The aim of the presented work is the development of single-stage amplification resistive Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD) based on Micromegas technology with the following characteristics: ability to efficiently operate up to 10 MHz/cm2 counting rate; scalability to large areas; fine granularity readout with small pads of the order of mm2; good spatial and time resolutions (below 100 um and 10 ns, respectively). The miniaturization of the readout elements and the optimization of the spark protection system, as well as the stability and robustness under operation, are the primary challenges of the project. Two families of resistive patterns were realized using different techniques: pad-patterned embedded resistors and double-layer of Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) structures foils. The main difference between them is that for the embedded resistors the charge is evacuated through independent pads, for double-layer DLC the resistive layers are continuous and uniform and the charge is evacuated through a network of dot-connections, several millimetres apart. Using the DLC technique, a medium-size detector with an active area of 400 cm2 was recently built and tested, with the main results reported in this paper. Additionally, a large module (40 cm2 x 50 cm2 active area), suitable for tiling large systems in future experiments, has been successfully realised and is currently undergoing testing and performance studies. The characterization and performance studies of the detectors were conducted using radioactive sources and an X-rays generator, with the detectors operated with various gas mixtures. A comparison of the results obtained with different resistive layouts and configurations is provided, with a particular focus on the response under high-rate exposure. Key results on tracking and timing performance from test-beam data for the latest constructed medium-size detector are also presented.
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