A study on genetic variability of gladiolus (Gladiolus grandifloras L.) varieties under prayagraj agro-climatic conditions was carried out at Departmental research field of Horticulture, Naini Agriculture Institute during the Rabi season of 2021-2022 with ten cultivars in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications viz.,. Punjab Flame, Source Biscuts, Arka Naveen, White Prosperity, Dhanvantri, Phule Neelrekha, Pusa Srijan, Arka Amar, Priscilla, Yellow Stone were evaluated. Out of these ten cultivars, genetic variability, heritability, phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) was higher than the genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) and genetic correlation for the characters viz., plant height at (30, 60, 90 DAS), number of leaves per plant at (30,60,90 DAS), no. of shoot per plant, days taken for corm sprouting, rachis length, days taken to spike emergence, days taken colour break stage, no. of floret per spike, no. of spike per plant, no. of days taken for first basal open, no. of days taken for last floret open, spike length, floret diameter, weight of daughter corm, weight of mother corm, corm diameter, corm weight, no. of corm per hectare, and corm yield/ plant were observed. for all characters, the highest GCV and PCV were recorded for the characters viz., weight of daughter corm (g) (33.6786 and 47.569), number of leaves per plant at 30 DAS (25.70 and 37.81), number of leaves per plant at harvest (24.73 and 35.25), number of shoots per plant ( 25.47 and 31.19), weight of mother corm (25.18 and 33.90), corm weight (25.11 and 33.38), days taken for corm sprouting (23.7566 and 23.7566) and the lowest GCV and PCV were recorded for floret diameter (17.50 and 40.95).The genotypes Phule Neelrekha followed by Arka Amar were identified as high corm yielding and no. of cormsper hectare and produced more no. of spikes/ plot and also yield per plotwhich indicated that these genotypes have resultedfor higher yield and indicated good response to selection owing to their high heritability, variability and genetic advance showing additive gene effect. These genotypes can be used for improvement of yield and component traits by selection.
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