Few studies have analyzed the freedom to choose their renal replacement treatment (RRT) modality in Spain. In a total of 673 patients with ACKD (stage 4 and 5) seen at the outpatient ACKD clinic of Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain) from 2009 to 2020, we retrospectively compared immigrant and Spanish patients in order to analyze the impact of migration on RRT decision-making and its subsequent evolution in advanced CKD (ACKD) consultation and identifies the social and economic needs of this population. One hundred thirteen (16.8%) patients were immigrants and 560 were Spanish (83.2%). Migrants more frequently chose HD at a center (79.5%) than PD (12.5%) compared to Spaniards (HD 55.5% and 25% PD) despite being younger and more independent in basic and instrumental activities of daily living. Immigrant patients started RRT with lower eGFR (8.1 vs. 9.1 mL/min/1.73 m3) and after a shorter follow-up time in the ACKD consultation than the Spaniards (22 vs. 32 months). The language barrier was associated with a greater choice of center-based HD and active employment status favored the choice of PD. Spanish patients had a significantly higher relative risk of mortality compared with immigrant patients (HR = 3.27[95%CI:1.17-9.17], p = 0.024). However, after adjustment by age, this increased relative risk of mortality disappeared (HR 1.99[0.69-5.76], p = 0.206). Almost 60% individuals were not linked to social services. In conclusion, most immigrants in Barcelona choose center-HD versus DP despite being younger and more independent in basic and instrumental activities of daily living and being in a better condition than Spanish patients. Considering the socioeconomic and cultural needs of the immigrant population we serve is necessary to effectively reduce health inequities. Keywords: advanced chronic kidney disease, socioeconomic status, demographic factors, shared decision making, renal replacement therapy, peritoneal dialysis, conservative care, hemodialysis, renal transplantation, language barrier, social determinants of health, immigration, social determinants of health.
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